Information questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Our guarantee, you will receive the same product that you are seeing.

How can I return an item?

Since we accept returns, you can easily return product to our office address.

What payment methods do you accept?

Most of customers use Cash On Delivery method. But if you want a NON COD parcel we accept Easy Paisa & Bank Transfer.

EasyPaisa Details:
Title: Muhammad Arslan Ahmad
Account #: 03454326071

Meezan Bank Details:
Title: Muhammad Arslan Ahmad
Account #: 04250104643860

How long does shipping take?

It usually takes 3-5 working business days after placement of order to reach at your given address.

How can I contact your customer support?

You can Send us a Message on WhatsApp or Instagram account.


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